"Простота является высшей целью, достижимой, когда вы преодолели все трудности."
Фредерик Шопен.
Luxury Minimal
Интерьер погружен в средние тона, спокойный, сдержанный и
безусловно элегантный.

В гостиной сатиновый отблеск ореховых панелей сменяется игрой бликов и отражений мраморного панно. Вне зависимости от используемого сценария освещения свет и тень создают комфортную среду, свет - привлекая взгляд, а тень - создавая зоны разряженного внимания.
В основе процессов проектирования каждого интерьера от Mikhail Tkachuk Interiors лежат глубокое изучение
тенденций мира архитектуры и дизайна, анализ потребностей заказчика и стремление создавать новое.

В процессе проектирования и строительства интерьеров задействовано множество профессионалов,
каждому из которых мы выражаем свою признательность.
Место : Москва

Площадь: 250 кв.м.

Luxury Minimal
Интерьер погружен в средние тона, спокойный, сдержанный и
безусловно элегантный.

В гостиной сатиновый отблеск ореховых панелей сменяется острыми бликами мрамора braziliano, в глубоких отражениях которого увеличивается объем комнат. Свет падает неравномерно, с театральной выразительностью подчеркивая детали, в то время как тени создают зоны разряженного внимания, где человеческому глазу комфортно, он не перегружается, а сам интерьер не кажется плоским.

В основе процессов проектирования каждого интерьера от MIkhail Tkachuk Interiors лежат глубокое изучение
тенденций мира архитектуры и дизайна, анализ потребностей заказчика и стремление создавать новое.

В процессе проектирования и строительства интерьеров задействовано множество профессионалов,
каждому из которых мы выражаем свою признательность.
Место : Москва

Площадь: 250 кв.м.

Cветильник Flos Taccia на фоне штор от Christianfischbacher
Вечернее настроение
В мире искусства, в частности в моде, есть такое понятие как тихая роскошь, которое возникло после показа Маржелы для Гермес, это определение позже было экстрапалировано на другие сферы искусства,
в частности и на в интерьер, где оно с легкостью . Хотя в интерьере уже был задан эталон, если говорить о модернизме и, в частности, о Мисе Ван дер Роэ.
Timeless, not trendy - такой запрос все более востребован в сфере дорогих современных интерьеров. По моему мнению это сложный путь,
который вмещает в себя и понимание минимализма, хотя, казалось бы, мы здесь далеки от "пустых" белых пространств. Мастера учатся друг у друга, и можно прочесть Стравинского, который пишет - " Многообразие допустимо только как средство достижения подобия."
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How to Become a Member
How to Become a Member
How to Become a Member
How to Become a Member
How to Become a Member
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
Вечернее настроение
В мире искусства, в частности в моде, есть такое понятие как тихая роскошь, которое возникло после показа Маржелы для Гермес, это определение позже было экстрапалировано на другие сферы искусства,
в частности и на в интерьер, где оно с легкостью . Хотя в интерьере уже был задан эталон, если говорить о модернизме и, в частности, о Мисе Ван дер Роэ.
Timeless, not trendy - такой запрос все более востребован в сфере дорогих современных интерьеров. По моему мнению это сложный путь,
который вмещает в себя и понимание минимализма, хотя, казалось бы, мы здесь далеки от "пустых" белых пространств. Мастера учатся друг у друга, и можно прочесть Стравинского, который пишет - " Многообразие допустимо только как средство достижения подобия."
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How to Become a Member
How to Become a Member
How to Become a Member
How to Become a Member
How to Become a Member
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
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How to Become a Member
How to Become a Member
How to Become a Member
How to Become a Member
How to Become a Member
How to Become a Member
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
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How to Become a Member
How to Become a Member
How to Become a Member
How to Become a Member
How to Become a Member
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
When a viewer has an opinion about an image based on their own thoughts, it is their personal perspective. It depends on the viewer's thoughts and values, which can sometimes conflict with cultural values.
If a building becomes architecture, then it is art
How to Become a Member
A company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability as members perform or fail to discharge their duty according to the publicly declared incorporation, or published policy. When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligations.
A company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability
A company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability as members perform or fail to discharge their duty according to the publicly declared incorporation, or published policy. When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligations.
A company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability
A company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability as members perform or fail to discharge their duty according to the publicly declared incorporation, or published policy. When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligations.
A company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability
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Интерактивный план
When a viewer has an opinion about an image based on their own thoughts, it is their personal perspective. It depends on the viewer's thoughts and values, which can sometimes conflict with cultural values.
A company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability as members perform or fail to discharge their duty according to the publicly declared incorporation, or published policy. When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligations.
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How to Become a Member
Front matter, or preliminaries, is the first section of a book and is usually the smallest section in terms of the number of pages. Each page is counted, but no folio or page number is expressed or printed, on either display pages or blank pages.

To produce perfect books, these rules have to be brought back to life and applied.
Here comes the punchline again
How to Become a Member
A company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability as members perform or fail to discharge their duty according to the publicly declared incorporation, or published policy. When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligations.A company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability as members perform or fail to discharge their duty according to the publicly declared incorporation, or published policy. When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligationsA company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability as members perform or fail to discharge their duty according to the publicly declared incorporation, or published policy. When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligations
There is no design without discipline. There is no discipline without intelligence.
There is no design without discipline. There is no discipline without intelligence.There is no design without discipline. There is no discipline without intelligence.There is no design without discipline. There is no discipline without intelligence.There is no design without discipline. There is no discipline without intelligence.
There is no design without discipline. There is no discipline without intelligence.

There is no design without discipline. There is no discipline without intelligence.
Here comes the punchline again
How to Become a Member
A company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability as members perform or fail to discharge their duty according to the publicly declared incorporation, or published policy. When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligations.A company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability as members perform or fail to discharge their duty according to the publicly declared incorporation, or published policy. When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligationsA company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability as members perform or fail to discharge their duty according to the publicly declared incorporation, or published policy. When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligations
If a building becomes architecture, then it is art
When a viewer has an opinion about an image based on their own thoughts, it is their personal perspective. It depends on the viewer's thoughts and values, which can sometimes conflict with cultural values.
When a viewer has an 
How to Become a Member
Here comes the punchline again
A company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability as members perform or fail to discharge their duty according to the publicly declared incorporation, or published policy. When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligations.A company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability as members perform or fail to discharge their duty according to the publicly declared incorporation, or published policy. When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligations.
A company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability as members perform or fail to discharge their duty according to the publicly declared incorporation, or published policy. When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligations.
A company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability as members perform or fail to discharge their duty according to the publicly declared incorporation, or published policy. When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal

When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligations.

When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligations.

When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligations.

When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligations.

When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligations.

When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligations.When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligations.When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligations.When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligations.When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligations.

Start the course today to get more money tomorrow
Write your own beautiful success story!
If a building becomes architecture, then it is art
Here comes the punchline again
How to Become a Member
A company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability as members perform or fail to discharge their duty according to the publicly declared incorporation, or published policy. When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligations.A company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability as members perform or fail to discharge their duty according to the publicly declared incorporation, or published policy. When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligationsA company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability as members perform or fail to discharge their duty according to the publicly declared incorporation, or published policy. When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligations
How to Become a Member
How to Become a Member
If a building becomes architecture, then it is art
Here comes the punchline again
A company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability as members perform or fail to discharge their duty according to the publicly declared incorporation, or published policy. When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligations.A company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability as members perform or fail to discharge their duty according to the publicly declared incorporation, or published policy. When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligationsA company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability as members perform or fail to discharge their duty according to the publicly declared incorporation, or published policy. When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligations
How to Become a Member

Matthew Collins

Marketing Consultant
Обращение автора.
Book design is the art of incorporating the content, style, format, design, and sequence of the various components of a book into a coherent whole. In the words of Jan Tschichold, "methods and rules upon which it is impossible to improve, have been developed over centuries.
Here comes the punchline again
How to Become a Member
Пара слов об искусстве и о том, как оно подбирается к каждому проекту. Об акцентах на произведениях искусства.
О мастерах и контактах
A company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability as members perform or fail to discharge their duty according to the publicly declared incorporation, or published policy. When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligations.A company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability as members perform or fail to discharge their duty according to the publicly declared incorporation, or published policy. When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligationsA company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability as members perform or fail to discharge their duty according to the publicly declared incorporation, or published policy.
Пара слов о выставках и отслеживании тенденции и новинок, для того чтобы делать неизменно актуальный дизайн, который не устареет.

A company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability as members perform or fail to discharge their duty according to the publicly declared incorporation, or published policy. When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligations.A company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability as members perform or fail to discharge their duty according to the publicly declared incorporation, or published policy. When a company closes, it may need to be liquidated to avoid further legal obligationsA company can be created as a legal person so that the company itself has limited liability as members perform or fail to discharge their duty according to the publicly declared incorporation, or published policy.
If a building becomes architecture, then it is art
What We Do
Our goal is to make clients happy and help them get what they want
Visual Research
Tilda Publishing
Digital Storytelling
The Future
Visual Research
The Future
Visual Research
The Future
If a building becomes architecture, then it is art
Here comes the punchline again

Срок выполнения - от двух до четырех недель.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.

Срок выполнения - от двух до четырех недель.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.

Срок выполнения - от двух до четырех недель.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.

Срок выполнения - от двух до четырех недель.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.

Срок выполнения - от двух до четырех недель.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
If a building becomes architecture, then it is art
Here comes the punchline again
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
Первый этап - выбор планировочного решения.
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Наши тарифы
Выберите тариф, который подходит вам, свяжитесь с нами и закажите дизайн-проект.
  • Два планировочный решения
  • 3D-визуализация всех комнат
  • Рабочая документация
Заказать проект
  • Четыре планировочных решения
  • 3D-визуализация всех комнат
  • Рабочая документация
  • Работа с подрядчиками
Заказать проект
Leitdfz pjyf
Наши услуги
Мы создаем функциональные дизайнерские проекты от маленьких до больших пространств
Интерьер квартир
Мы проектируем интерьеры больших и маленьких квартир. Мы знаем, как создать уют в любой комнате.
Интерьер частных домой
Мы делаем дизайн для частных домов любого размера и планировки. Создаем уютную обстановку.
Авторский надзор
Мы заботимся обо всем, что связано с проектом: будь то подрядчики по строительству или инженерные работы.
Свяжитесь с нами
+1 123 456 78 90
Санкт-Петербург, Бородинская улица, 2
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